2021 Graduate Spotlight: Ashley Ma

Can you imagine what it must feel like to graduate college in the middle of an ongoing worldwide pandemic? Well, some of our scholarship recipients can. Learn more about their experiences in this series of College Fund Graduate Spotlights!

Meet Ashley! She graduated from Florida State University in May with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, studying Business Marketing.

During the pandemic Ashley learned to not be so hard on herself and live in the moment. “Growing professionally is important,” she said, “but so is spending time with your loved ones and friends.” She said the pandemic made a big impact on the way she attended classes and the workloads that came with it. Good thing she has excellent time management skills!

After graduation Ashley moved to Tampa to secure a job in marketing. While in school she was involved in the American Marketing Association for 2 years and got certified in Multicultural Marketing Communications. In addition to participating in FSU’s student-run marketing agency, she completed an internship with Rebel & Co. in the summer of 2020 where she wrote a blog article for them about what the class of 2020 students were going through mentally during that time.

Congratulations Ashley


2021 Graduate Spotlight: Alyssa Kyle


2021 Graduate Spotlight: Emily Kessie